Michelle Jaworski Support

I was first introduced to the ministry of Remember Nhu in 2017 when I first visited what is now my home church. The guest speaker from Kenya shared stories that broke my heart and sparked an exciting desire to get involved with Remember Nhu’s mission to end child sex slavery through prevention, a topic that had been a passion of mine since I was 16. A year later, that desire led me to Kenya for my first New Life Camp, where I fell in love with the children, and the Lord placed his calling to work with Remember Nhu full time on my heart. Soon after that first trip, I began volunteering by doing administrative tasks for two other New Life Camps in Kenya and Tanzania the next year. Today I am so blessed to continue using my administration background and other experiences to assist with the tasks involved in overseeing the spiritual development of each and every child in Remember Nhu’s care. Thank you for your prayers and support which allow me to work and travel to take the freedom of The Gospel of Jesus to the ends of the earth.