Jesus urged the disciples, “Let the children come to Me.
Don’t stop them! For the Kingdom of Heaven belongs
to those who are like these children.”
Remember Nhu needs Prayer Champions who will daily lift the needs of our children, staff and international workers before His throne. Every child Remember Nhu has been blessed to protect from the child sex trade is only because of God’s almighty providence – He has blessed Remember Nhu significantly since 2003; answering more prayers than we could ever count!
Some specific answers to prayer include allowing us to start prevention homes, finding suitable land upon which to build, allowing us to operate on a day-to-day basis, allowing us to change the lives of over 15,000 children (adding to our numbers almost daily!) and a very special request to help Carl and Laurie find Nhu. What a powerful testimony that thousands of people throughout the world are praying for Remember Nhu! Prayer Champions may receive the monthly newsletter and/or quarterly newsletter. Many Prayer Champions also spend a time of fasting for the needs of Remember Nhu.
If you would like to partner with Remember Nhu as a Prayer Champion, please
contact us at: info@remembernhu.org