Foster Care Sponsorship

Become A Sponsor

Thank you for considering a monthly sponsorship to keep at-risk children safe from sexual exploitation while living with a loving foster family.

About Foster Care Sponsorship

In some countries, there is opportunity to keep at-risk children safe by pairing them with loving foster families through the local indigenous church. This is typically in countries where a smaller foster family will be a better situation for the child, or if Remember Nhu is unable to start children’s homes in the given country.

Sometimes a child can stay with the family until age 18. Other times, the child is only able to stay with the family for a period of time until the government re-assigns the child elsewhere. Either way we love to keep each child safe for the time they are in our care, and give the child an opportunity to experience God’s love while in a loving home. When you sponsor the Foster Care Program, you are not assigned to a specific child but rather the whole program, and you will receive quarterly stories about various children and families who your monthly sponsorship is impacting! 

In the Foster Care Sponsorship Program, we work with local churches to identify children in life situations that made the child at risk. Factors that make a child vulnerable to being trafficked include being orphaned, being abandoned, having a sibling in the sex trade, having parents who are imprisoned or addicted to drugs & alcohol, belonging to a family that owes money to dangerous people, etc. Sponsoring the Foster Care program makes it possible for Remember Nhu to protect the child from sex slavery while in our care.

Current countries where Remember Nhu has Foster Care opportunities: Albania, Moldova, Kenya…and more!

Become A Sponsor

Thank you for considering a monthly sponsorship to keep at-risk children safe from sexual exploitation while living with a loving foster family.

About Foster Care Sponsorship

In some countries, there is opportunity to keep at-risk children safe by pairing them with loving foster families through the local indigenous church. This is typically in countries where a smaller foster family will be a better situation for the child, or if Remember Nhu is unable to start children’s homes in the given country.

Sometimes a child can stay with the family until age 18. Other times, the child is only able to stay with the family for a period of time until the government re-assigns the child elsewhere. Either way we love to keep each child safe for the time they are in our care, and give the child an opportunity to experience God’s love while in a loving home. When you sponsor the Foster Care Program, you are not assigned to a specific child but rather the whole program, and you will receive quarterly stories about various children and families who your monthly sponsorship is impacting! 

In the Foster Care Sponsorship Program, we work with local churches to identify children in life situations that made the child at risk. Factors that make a child vulnerable to being trafficked include being orphaned, being abandoned, having a sibling in the sex trade, having parents who are imprisoned or addicted to drugs & alcohol, belonging to a family that owes money to dangerous people, etc. Sponsoring the Foster Care program makes it possible for Remember Nhu to protect the child from sex slavery while in our care.

Current countries where Remember Nhu has Foster Care opportunities: Albania, Moldova, Kenya…and more!