By spreading the word about Remember Nhu and inviting your friends to get involved, you are playing a pivotal role in ending child sex slavery. Here are some fantastic ways to advocate for our children by spreading the message of Remember Nhu:
Post About Remember Nhu on Social Media
Make sure to follow @remembernhu on Twitter and Instagram, and friend us on Facebook (facebook.com/RememberNhu). Any time you post about Remember Nhu and/or link to our social media accounts, you are helping the children of Remember Nhu by inviting people to learn more and get involved. Would you consider posting about Remember Nhu today?
You can find photos to download & use to post, and other helpful materials here:
Invite Your Facebook Friends to Like Remember Nhu
It’s easy and will only take a few minutes. First, go to Remember Nhu’s page (facebook.com/RememberNhu) and make sure you “Like” the page. Then, scroll down and select “Invite Friends to Like this Page.”
Next, go through your list of Facebook friends and individually select to invite them to like our page as well. This way they will see Remember Nhu’s announcements and opportunities in their facebook feed.
It may take you up to 15 minutes to invite your friends to like our page (if you have many friends), but who knows—you may recruit a potential sponsor to help save another child from entering the sex trade!
Host an Awareness Party
Awareness parties are a fun activity for helping spread Remember Nhu’s message and fundraise in a personal way. We provide you with an Awareness Party Kit which includes invitations, a flash drive with videos to show your guests, brochures to pass out and handmade merchandise to sell from our Vocational Training Centers. If you are interested in hosting an awareness party, make sure to email info@remembernhu.org
Invite your Church or Business to Partner with Remember Nhu
Are you part of an organization, business, or church that would be willing to partner with Remember Nhu in some way to prevent children from entering the sex trade? Tell your bosses or pastor about us and help get them in contact with us. The opportunities for partnership are endless!
Have any other great ideas for spreading the word about Remember Nhu? We’d love to hear about it! Contact us: info@remembernhu.org