
Below are photos and other downloadable resources about Remember Nhu. Thank you for helping us spread the word about Ending Child Sex Slavery Through Prevention!

Helpful Facts:

  • There are at least 40.3 million people who are enslaved in 167 countries around the world today. An estimated 5.5 million children are enslaved (Global Slavery Index, 2017).
  • 79% of those enslaved in the world are women & children (UN, Trafficking in Persons Report, 2017)
  • Human trafficking has become a $150 billion industry.
  • 4.8 million people are trafficked in the commercial sex trade, and 15.4 million are forced into marriage. (International Labour Organization)
  • 1.2 million children are being trafficked for sex each year (UNICEF). This does not include those forced into child marriage between the ages of 12 & 17.
  • Remember Nhu is a nonprofit organization committed to Ending Child Sex Slavery Through Prevention.
  • We currently have over 120 homes for children in 19 countries, and have effectively prevented over 15,000 children from being sold.
  • We identify and remove at-risk children from harm by placing them in a home where their physical, education, emotional, and spiritual needs can be met.

Downloadable Brochures:

General Brochure
Child Sponsorship Brochure
Church Partnership Brochure
Annual Report
Year-End Letter

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