Our Global Impact
Remember Nhu has effectively prevented over 15,000 children from sex trafficking in 20 countries, and taught preventive education to over 9,000 children. Remember Nhu currently protects over 1,500 at-risk children from the sex trade through full-time care in children’s homes, foster families, and family restoration programs.
Countries We Work In: Albania, Bangladesh, Bolivia, Brazil, Cambodia, The Gambia, Guinea-Bissau, India, Kenya, Liberia, Moldova, Myanmar, Nepal, Philippines, Sierra Leone, Tanzania, Thailand, Uganda, & Ukraine*. (There is one additional country of operation we do not disclose for the protection of our children and workers on the ground) * Due to the global conflict, our work in Ukraine has been paused for the time being.
Our Prevention Programs:
There are four primary ways we prevent child sex slavery depending on the location and opportunity to be most effective for protecting the highest number of children: