Our Global Impact

Remember Nhu has effectively prevented over 15,000 children from sex trafficking in 20 countries, and taught preventive education to over 9,000 children. Remember Nhu currently protects over 1,500 at-risk children from the sex trade through full-time care in children’s homes, foster families, and family restoration programs.

Countries We Work In: Albania, Bangladesh, Bolivia, Brazil, Cambodia, The Gambia, Guinea-Bissau, India, Kenya, Liberia, Moldova, Myanmar, Philippines, Sierra Leone, Tanzania, Thailand, Uganda, & Ukraine*. (There is one additional country of operation we do not disclose for the protection of our children and workers on the ground) * Due to the global conflict, our work in Ukraine has been paused for the time being.

Our Prevention Programs:

There are four primary ways we prevent child sex slavery depending on the location and opportunity to be most effective for protecting the highest number of children:

Preventive Education

Preventive Education

One of the ways we prevent child sex trafficking is by empowering at-risk youth with accurate knowledge and awareness to make safe decisions. We  teach youth (both in schools and online) about the common trappings of child sex trafficking, how they and their peers can avoid grooming, “good touch versus bad touch,” and resources for getting help in times of trouble. During the last Fiscal Year, Remember Nhu provided preventive education to over 9,000 students in schools.  Learn More >>
Prevention Homes

Prevention Homes

In numerous countries, Remember Nhu protects vulnerable children from dangerous conditions by placing them into a 24-7 home where they are physically, educationally, emotionally and spiritually nurtured by loving indigenous house parents. Prevention Homes enable us to partner with people like you to bring at-risk children to safety and ensure their protection from being sold into the sex trade. The ongoing costs for a child to live in a home and go to school are covered by monthly sponsors. Learn More >>
Foster Care

Foster Care

There are contexts where our best opportunity to get at-risk children to safety is by pairing children with loving foster families through local partnerships. We take this approach in several countries, typically when an available foster family is determined to be a better situation for the child than living a children’s home, and/or if Remember Nhu does not have an open children’s home in a particular country. Sometimes an at-risk child can stay with the family until age 18. Other times, the child is only able to stay with the family for a period of time until the government re-assigns the child elsewhere. Learn More >>
Family Restoration

Family Restoration

When an at-risk child has living family members with means to provide basic care, there are cases where it can be deemed safe for an at-risk child to remain with biological family under specific criteria and with full commitment and participation from the family to make changes for the child’s safety. In this approach, rather than removing a child from the at-risk environment, Family Restoration works with the family to remove risk factors from the child’s environment until the child is safe. In Family Restoration, our team holistically works with families over time to prevent exploitation in regions with historically high rates of child trafficking. Learn More >>
Help Launch the U.S. Prevention Initiative: Ending Child Sex Trafficking in America Through Education