A Woman Posing with two girls


“As you have sent me into the world, so I have sent them into the world.”
John 17:18

Has God called you to serve children who are at risk of being sold into the sex trade industry? If so, consider one of our internships to continue on that journey. Remember Nhu internships are designed to take the skill sets of everyday, ordinary people and put them to use in great and amazing ways for God’s Kingdom. Serving as an intern with Remember Nhu gives you the opportunity to help impact the lives of hundreds of children who would otherwise be subjected to the horrors of the sex trafficking industry. Interns live, learn, and pursue God together as they work to help Remember Nhu change the world one child at a time.

Internships can range from 3 months to 1 year with opportunities to serve in Cambodia, Thailand, Bolivia and Africa. There are no specific qualifications required for Remember Nhu interns; if you have a skill in baking, sewing, mechanics, teaching English, or simply sharing the love of Christ, then consider taking an adventure that will change lives forever. Interns should be enthusiastic and interested in learning how they can help end the sex trade industry. Interns are expected to be flexible, patient, proactive, loving and have a servant’s heart.

Whatever you do, each day will bring new opportunities for conversations and relationships to form through the love of Jesus Christ.

So…will you go???


Information Request Form

15 + 11 =

Some testimonials from those who have gone…

“I have interned two summers in a row with Remember Nhu in both the Thailand and Cambodia homes. Both summers were such amazing experiences for me. As an intern I got the opportunity to live with the kids and really get to become part of their big family. All of them have a story to tell. I spent most of my day working on the land where the children’s home sits in Thailand. When the children were home from school there was always plenty of time to run around with the children, play games, and help them with English homework. Every night we would eat dinner as a family and get to spend more time getting to know the children.

I have a baking and pastry arts degree so I taught the girls some baking skills, which they absolutely loved and so did I. Remember Nhu is very close to my heart. It’s amazing to see what they are doing to save these children from ever entering the sex trade. I feel blessed to be a part of such an incredible organization. I plan to return again in 2014.”



“For the past eight months, I have been working with Remember Nhu in Thailand and Cambodia. I have felt the deepest satisfaction and joy working and living with the children. I have been challenged and stretched, and my understanding of God’s love and mercy has grown tenfold. Whether you are teaching English, playing games, or vocational training, God can and will use you to further His kingdom.”


“I’ve been working with Remember Nhu in Thailand, and it has been an amazing experience. I’ve had the opportunity to help with building the new boy’s home during my time here. It has been a blast getting to hang out with the boys. Every day we are playing sports, playing board or card games, or reviewing English homework from their schools. I have gotten to know a few of them pretty well and we’ll talk about our families or things that we might be going through. While I’ve been with them I have gotten to see them grow in their spiritual maturity as well.

I’m thankful that I get to be a part of this ministry and serve alongside such amazing brothers and sisters in Christ. They are an encouragement to grow more and a great support when times get rough. God has been giving me quite a few opportunities to show his love while I’ve been here, but most of all he has gripped my heart for these kids, and shown me what real “agape” love looks like through them. In addition, He has shown me that whatever hardships I may face, he’ll always be there to help me through it as long as I make him my focus.”



“The last year of my life has been spent serving with Remember Nhu in Thailand, and without any hesitation I can say this year has changed my life. Not only has it given me an opportunity to emerge myself into a rich culture, but it has also allowed my relationship with God to be strengthened. God has shown me, through real life examples the unconditional boundaries of His love as well as revealed many personal hangups that needed to be dealt with. If I had a chance to relive this last year I spent with Remember Nhu, there is nothing I would change.”


“I was an intern with Remember Nhu in Thailand from September 2013 to January 2014 before moving to Cambodia to help staff the new Vocational Training center. It’s been a great experience to see how God is using Remember Nhu in these two countries to prevent children and teens from ever being sold into the sex-trade, and I love that He is allowing me to be a part of something like this. Two of the biggest things God has been teaching me since coming to Southeast Asia, is His faithfulness and trusting Him is a continual commitment. Whether I can see it or not God has proved Himself faithful in providing my needs from the beginning and hasn’t ceased in doing so, because of that faithfulness I’ve learned that even in the times it’s hard to trust Him with my needs (or life in general), I can still trust Him because He never changes.”
